Christmas Experience

Do you remember what it was like to wake up on Christmas morning as a child? Your eyes pop open: it’s Christmas! You glance outside: it snowed!! The soft padding of your slippered feet as you dash into the living room: Santa came!

Christmas is meant to be experienced, with sights and sounds and smells that burn the moment into your memory for years to come…A visceral experience that ignites the hope God intends for each of us.

On Sunday, December 21, bring the whole family to walk through the manger scene at Washington Cathedral. Little ones can hold a baby lamb to their chest as the Biblical story comes alive with a live petting zoo. Meet Mary and Joseph characters, and take a picture with Santa as a keepsake.

Help your family to remember, “Christmas doesn’t come from a store…maybe Christmas means a little bit more.”

Christmas Experience – Sunday Dec 21st and Dec 24thmarysboychild

What – An unforgettable Christmas experience.  On Sunday, take a walk through the first Christmas with a kids drama, petting zoo, and even pictures with Santa.

On Christmas Eve, celebrate Christmas with our beautiful Candlelight Services. Afterwards come enjoy snacks and sing carols around a bonfire while you wait for a ride in a horse drawn carriage.

Why you should bring someone – Both of these are perfect opportunities to bring family and friends.  Pray about whom you can bring to these Christmas Experiences.

Help your family to remember, “Christmas doesn’t come from a store…maybe Christmas means a little bit more.”

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